Monday 4 March 2013

Our Last Visit

Items below this point relate to our last visit to Germany

Monday 9 April 2012

A few photos

Pupil Comments on the Visit so far

Here are some of the comments that the pupils have made about the visit so far.

"I enjoyed the Jewish Museum because it showed a different perspective about Jewish/German history, rather than focussing on the holocaust." ( Ashleigh)

I really enjoyed the East Side Gallery. I found the art work very powerful and brilliantly done." (anon)

We enjoyed seeing the difference between East and West Berlin and the history behind them both. We believe the phrase "sie sind zusammen starker" applied. (Amy and Becca)

It was very interesting to see the Olympic Stadium and to imagine what the atmosphere must have been like during the 1936 Olympics. Very good revision for history GCSE." (Caroline)

"I really enjoyed the shopping and the U-Bahn because they were both very exciting." (Olivia)

"the urban regeneration process is progressing tremendously well and it is lovely to see the improvements in East Berlin. Of course, the pretzels have to be the highlight of our stay in Berlin". (Juliet)

Guten Tag from Berlin

We are all having a wonderful time here. Our itinery has been tightly packed and has included highlights such as:

- a guided river tour along the Spree
- visits to the Jewish, Pergamon and Checkpoint Charlie Museums
- climbing up into the spectacular cupola of the Reichstag
- a tour of the Olympic Stadium
- inspirational walks along the East Side Gallery (a remaining section of the Berlin Wall decorated by artists) and through the Holocaust Memorial

Despite all these incredible experiences we have found time to get used to using the U-Bahn (underground) and of course to shop with visits to the Fassbender and Rausch chocolate shop and KaDeWe ( Berlin's answer to Harrods).

Saturday 27 March 2010

Oh, no! They've found the Haribo shop!

This is Frau Wol's group (bottom photo). They're called 'Bonbons' and Frau Wol is the big 'bonbon'. The slogan above the shop says "HARIBO makes children happy" or should that read "excited"?!

Friday 26 March 2010

Group Photo!

Mr Knowles gets a whistle!!

Mr Knowles has been given a whistle - with mascot! - to keep his group in order!

Thursday 25 March 2010

They've arrived

After a fairly eventful journey, they've all arrived safely in Cologne. The excitement of tomorrow awaits!

Thursday 4 March 2010

Notes for Parents and Girls

The headings below are brief reminders of the important details concerning your trip to Germany.

Passport, EHIC card, medical information, School Code of Conduct

Pocket money
£70 (€80) should be sufficient. Please take Euros as there will not be a lot of time to go to the bank. Responsibility lies with each pupil

Please do not take expensive items of jewellery, watches etc, especially if of sentimental value

Mobile Phones / iPods / mp3 Players
May be taken for the journey, but not to be used during visits and certainly not when in the company of host family

Please be sure that you know how to use it

Take casual, comfortable, warm but respectable clothing, please. Shoes – will they still be comfortable after 6 hours of walking?! The weather in the middle of March can be changeable – make sure you have a warm, waterproof coat / jacket. Please remember to bring a towel.

1 suitcase (medium sized) + 1 piece of hand luggage
N.B. Handbag or shoulder bag / rucksack should have zip pockets for purses etc, and will have to be carried on day trips. It will have to be big enough to carry your packed lunch

Remember to pack your passport in your hand luggage!

Addresses will be distributed around 10 days before departure. Every effort is made to comply with our requests for accommodation, but please be flexible.

Phone calls to host families should be made only in cases of emergency, and girls should remember that they are guests in somebody’s house, and refrain from asking permission to phone England. After day excursions you are guests of the family. This is the time to get to know your hosts and speak as much German as possible.

Meals provided by families, including packed lunches on day trips. Please try the food, especially the things you don’t know!

N.B: Journey out from England – please take enough food to last for a day. (Restaurants/ cafeterias at the stations may be expensive.) Take some extra Euros for use at service stations.
On the journey home – some English money will be needed for drinks/ snacks during the journey.

Read and sign the code of conduct. We expect girls to be self-disciplined, mature and courteous, so that everybody will enjoy the visit. No girl may arrange to go out on her own, or with friends. There is to be no smoking or drinking of alcohol.

In case of illness between now and departure, please inform staff in writing of the nature of the illness and any medication prescribed.

Emergency phone number
Please inform staff of an emergency contact number if you are going to be away from home or work during our visit and if this is going to be different from the one given on the consent form.

Advice to Students
Please make sure you have read the leaflet and the code of conduct and that you take both of them with you on the trip.

Monday 1 March 2010

Information Evening - Thursday 4 March

There will be an Information Meeting for parents and girls on Thursday 4 March, starting at 7pm in the Sixth Form Hall (and not in the main School Hall as previously indicated.)

Please bring your daughter's passport and EHIC card, if you haven't done so already so that we can make copies of these documents.

We will also be able to give you important information about the trip and we would like parents to complete some paperwork and for your daughter to choose her travelling group.

You will also have the opportunity to discuss any questions and/or concerns you may have with a member of staff.

We look forward to seeing you then.